Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evgeniy Primakov and his debts

The son of new prime minister of Japan has education at Moscow state University as Evgeniy Primakov. That Primakov with native relations with Kazakhstan and Georgia was from Ukrainian special service with connections with Nikita Krushev. In any words great kazachian- georgian’s mixe.

Who was my adopting mother before  she decided to appropriate  the own name of my own mother, her own daughter and her inheritance , business, financies and profits?

Native son of Evgeniy Primakov- Aleksandr now in Greece play the role of great bankier, robb and kill the old peoples and stole the childs. In any words he has strong connections with raven’s and with mass cemetery in Greece. Some years ago that Primakov has the big debts for Arab countries and started the war between Kuwait and Iraq. In Kuwait he took a financies and happenly defecated them’s.

Native daughter of that Primakov Nina  was a director of the school where my own sons has education- school 60 in Vilnius. Native granddaughter of that Primakov for there’s legende died in twin -towers, when they ruined the property of my own grandfather and my own inheritance twin-towers 11.09.2001. – and three weeks later they started first savaging attacks against me.

Don’t forgett ,that they killed David Rockefeller in 1975 in the Primakov house and to USA happenly going the double – illusionist and the conjurer and became to rule in my own inheritance.

Another native daughter of thart Primakov- Natalia Stroganova happenly helped to Sergey Lopatinskiy  to spend my own inheritance financies. When they need more – they ordinary took that financies in oil and gas concern Opec- under the trusteeship my own inheritance – as for my own needs. Paying for me with my own youngest son 60 dollars for both. When my oldest son became to help me and to sent financies -they ordinary opened against him mass criminal cases, beating, him at regular basis, makes a  mass of gangster’s attack’s against him and his office and blocked at there’s villages. They undressed him in regular basis, when they see that he have financies. And sticks  round with there prostitute’s and villages familes.

Natalia Stroganova was the wife of the son of Yuriy Vladimirovich Andropov- Yuriy Stroganov. One controll me in the newspaper, she control me not only by installation but with the help of her sister pressed my own sons in school too.

Her native brother Aleksandr help to Natalia Bondarenko-Lopatinskaya from the bank Snoras – system of Conversbank to take my own profits  from my own inheritance. Who decided to sell my own profits for that bank and for what reason? That Aleksandr at that moment has the name Alex Gliklad.  He -the partner of Josif Kobson- great and interesting singer with the name -policeman in zone and son of Josif Stalin.

And why was mass killing in Kuwait?

That Primakov was the native brother of Raisa Gorbacheva- which now with Arkadiy Volskiy and his Conversbank at my own financies and profits happenly lived in Spain.

She legalisated her death 20.09.1999. With strong connections with Larisa Bakova- native daughter from my adopting parents- now Asma Al Assad in Syria and with doubles as Letizia in Spain.

That Larisa from native relations with gipsy’s and tatarian maids as Raisa Gorbacheva.  Such gipsy’s liked very much some Smirnov – Gromov- Elcin’s  family with connections with Ezov- ex soviet fascist.

There’s native daughter has a picture as Barbra Streizand and Ludmila Putina. Her name  was- Tatiana Elcina.

The great financial ruler of all tha gangster’s clan- Sergey Lopatinskiy with the face of  the actor Sergey Stepanchenko  and Sergey Zagrebnev- Zarembo. Both of them with native relations with Nikita Krushev, Ezov , Voroshilov.

Both of them helped to new prime minister of Japan some  Yukio Hatoyama to seat down at that place. With the installation in nose. Who knows what is it ?

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