Friday, November 6, 2009

The Bayern Life

Time always seems to fly by – I find myself writing to you, having already spent three weeks in Munich. For those of you who are unaware, I am in the final year of my Masters studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (established in 1472). The quality of the courses and professors have exceeded my expectations, in my studies of Organization, Strategy and Change Management. I will list my courses below with an example of some interesting aspects of each class (when applicable).

1. Management Communications

2. Corporate Social Responsibility (Ethical and moral theories, mostly stuff I already learned at Taylor University)

3. Entrepreneurial Growth Management (Group innovation project in cooperation with a local fitness club)

4. Marketing Asset Management / Convincing Stakeholders (Group project in cooperation with the travel agency Thomas Cook)

5. Strategic Change (Group project analyzing change factors associated with the merger of Porsche SE and Volkswagen AG)

6. Innovation and Strategy (Group presentation work analyzing case studies concerning mega-trends in the marketplace. Course is supervised by a chairman at McKinsey Consulting – providing real-world feedback)

7. Time Management

On a personal level, I am living in a house in downtown Munich somewhat close to the BMW factory and the famous BMW HQ tower. The house is shared amongst four of my friends in the programme, which makes for a lively household at all times. I’m somewhat concerning that I may be having too much fun, but I’m enjoying this as much as possible – it will be March before I know it and I’ll be on the job market. I’m fully aware that this is a very special period of time in my life.

Speaking of fun, I’m going to Prague this evening and I will be returning on Monday morning. I will make sure to post many pictures next week. In fact, you will be hearing a lot about Prague in the coming weeks. An old friend from Taylor, Jon Brinks, will be passing through the Czech Republic on business and we planned to spend the weekend together – since this is only a 5 hour trip from Munich. Unfortunately, I made an error and booked my train tickets a week too early. In order to avoid missing a guaranteed good time with Jon, I’ve decided to go two weekends in a row. I should be an expert in two weeks time.

Tune in next week for pictures from Prague

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