Friday, November 27, 2009

Blue Skies, High Speed and Adobe in Santa Fe, New Mexico

October 4, 2009 – 288 Miles

I woke up this morning with a headache that was made infinitely worse by the fact that it was raining and I’m quite sick of yellow hotel rooms. I put on the weather channel, took some asprin and jumped in the shower. By the time I was packed and dressed my headache had gone away and my spirits were improving as the I-Phone radar app (I use Accuweather) showed clear skies into New Mexico. This was going to be a short ride today less than 300 miles. The La Quinta breakfast was a joke but they had hard boiled eggs which I was strangely attracted to and ate two with some low fat yogurt. All I need now is a confined space like an elevator or airplane!

I got gas for the bike and hit the road. Rolling into New Mexico the vistas opened up and the weather changed from rain in the morning, to cloudy mid-morning, to blue skies in the afternoon. You can see the distant mountains, the sky is a deep indigo blue and just about everyone driving there rolls along at a very high speed. I was blown off the road by a Ford F-250 pulling a car trailer who I estimate was doing at least 120. He was passing everyone in sight. I hung back and observed him for a while. While driving really fast he was making clean passes and had New Mexico plates so I assumed he knew the road (not that it made much of a difference as it was completely straight for most of the way) I decided to kick up the pace and use him as my New Mexico PD spotter. I don’t use a radar detector for a number of reasons. I don’t think you can hear the thing when you need to or necessarily see it either. I had an Escort mounted to my Ninja 1000-R in college and I can’t remember it being useful very often. In those adrenaline addled days I’m not sure if I paid any attention to it anyway. Mostly it looked cool – until it fell off at speed and disintegrated. Mostly I roll with the traffic letting people get out in front of me far enough so they would be the first to be spotted by LEO’s. If I’m alone on an empty highway my speed is between six and ten miles over the speed limit as I figure most cops can’t be bothered to pull me over as it’s not enough to generate a significant fine. Where I absolutely do watch my speed very closely is any little town. As I’m sure you well know they mean 35 MPH and are glad to pull over anyone going faster.

A ramdon rest area somewhere in New Mexico. The picture does not really capture how pretty this area was. The view was fantastic.

Futura loaded and ready to go. I’m not one of those guys with stuff hanging all over the place. I want everything stowed and packed neatly. I saw this HD boomer so loaded up with crap the tires were almost flat. Lighter is better (and faster).

I arrived in Santa Fe and checked into another Marriott Courtyard. This one was not as nice as the one in Wichita but acceptable. At this point I was still behind the planning ball as ditching my routes and plans for South Dakota I was flying by the seat of my pants. I really wanted to slow down the cash burn and start camping to save money. I unloaded the bike and headed to downtown Santa Fe. Surprisingly for having a great deal of slow moving heavy traffic I managed to immediately find a parking spot and shut down the Futura. The skies in Santa Fe are amazingly blue and the air is clean and crisp. My mood was considerably improved since morning. You can’t take a bad picture in this town. Everything is beautiful and seems to be sharply focused. I guess it’s the sky contrasting against the adobe.

It’s no surprise that Santa Fe is an artist’s paradise. Everywhere you turn in Santa Fe you are surrounded by paintings, sculpture, jewelry, fashion, and art of every imaginable sort. The Indian Market is interesting as there are a large number of Native Americans displaying their crafts; all laid out on everything from velvet jewelry blankets to worn Indian blankets. No Ducati T-Shirts, no carbon fiber tank protectors, no…………ahh, you get the idea. Turquoise jewelry, silver earrings and the like don’t interest me much. There are however, tons of shops downtown; it’s easy to kill a few hours browsing or window shopping. One thing I like about this type of traveling is that it is virtually impossible to make an impulse buy. Every inch of space is accounted for on the bike. If I want to buy something to take with me usually something else has to go. One of the better attractions in downtown Santa Fe is the St. Francis Cathedral. According to Lonely Planet it has the oldest Madonna statue in North America, er……… wow. However it is worth taking a look, the front doors are cool and the interior is very interesting.

Terrace bar at La Fonda

Now that I’ve had my fix of art and religion for the day, it’s time for a drink. One place that I really enjoyed was the La Fonda Hotel. It’s in the plaza in the center of Santa Fe and looks like it’s been there for a million years. The lobby is very cool with places to relax, have a cocktail or dinner. They also had a small shop that sold the New York Times. Surprisingly this is something that I guess being an Ex-New Yorker is absorbed through contact over the years. I absolutely crave an occasional daily read and demand the Sunday paper which is usually read outside with a Perdomo Habano Gordo cigar and a tall glass of ice tea. So paper in hand I went up the elevator to the 6th floor and the roof top bar. What a fantastic view. I ordered a Diet Coke, grabbed a seat to relax, read, and enjoy the view. Apparently this is the place for sunsets in Santa Fe. It’s also the place for bullshit too. Across from me was an older guy dressed in denim from head to toe, cowboy boots and a big cowboy hat. He had one of those booming, self-important voices and he was loudly pontificating to a pair of cringing German tourists. “I’m a movie stuntman – I just bought a 7 million dollar house here, gave the last one to my ex-wife, she was fucking Jack and Warren, driving my truck today because the Veyron is in the shop, too many goddammned people with money in this town….. On and on and on this guy went. I wish I had an extra pair of earplugs. I was tempted to roll up the newspaper and clout him upside the head with it just to get some peace and quiet. But it was a beautiful afternoon and I was in a fantastic place so I just moved my chair away to get a better view and relax.

I climbed back on the Aprilia and headed out of downtown back to the hotel. The prices at hotel restaurant were insane and my spending at this point was way out of control. So I walked down the street, past used car dealers, the Home Depot, Walgreens, and other anywhere in America type stuff to Arby’s. I grabbed dinner and headed back to the hotel. That night I took some time to consult the guide book, map and GPS to figure out a new route and get down to some camping. I found a KOA that was only a few miles out of Santa Fe and booked a two night stay online. One thing about KOA is that they charge you extra if you just show up – they want you to book online entirely. Having the next few day set I crashed out for the night.

Tomorrow – Santa Fe, Los Alamos, kickass BBQ, the Cowgirl Hall of Fame, and KOA


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Project 808 x Unscene Media: Part 1

Posted this up on the main Unscene Media blog, but I figured I’d link it up on TCP for you all:

My friend Jesal from Project 808 and I had a chance to get together and get some filming done finally. Project 808 is THE definitive source for all your aftermarket exhaust needs. I’ll definitely be picking up some goods from these guys when spring rolls around…especially after chatting it up with Jesal during our shoot. Anyway, we’ve been trying to get together for some time some Unscene Media could put its spin on the ever-so typical car (exhaust) videos.

Thankfully, Jesal was open-minded enough to let me do my thing and do things differently from the norm. Check out part 1 below and let me know what you think!


Monday, November 23, 2009

BMW Serie 5: con sexto sentido

El BMW Serie 5 se presenta con una imagen similar a algunos vehículos de la marca, más actual que la del modelo al que remplaza. Ha crecido en longitud, anchura y distancia entre ejes. Tiene una amplia oferta de motores diésel y gasolina que van de los 184 CV del 520d a los 408 CV del 550i. Las primeras unidades estarán disponibles a partir de marzo.

Después de más de seis años en el mercado, BMW ha renovado por completo su berlina encuadrada en el segmento E. Se trata de la sexta generación del Serie 5, que desde su aparición en 1972, ha vendido más de 5,5 millones de unidades.

El nuevo Serie 5 Berlina tiene una línea más fluida que la generación anterior. Tiene un aspecto parecido al Serie 7, donde se nota la mano de Bangle. Destaca por su alargado y abombado capó, donde encontramos nervios que le dan un aire dinámico, por su gran distancia entre ejes, por los pequeños voladizos y al trazado de la línea del techo, que se asemeja a la de un coupé. Incorpora la parrilla ovoide doble en posición vertical de los últimos modelos de la marca. Los grupos ópticos delanteros son parecidos a los del Z4, mientras que los traseros guardan similitud con el renovado Serie 3 Berlina.

El interior es semejante al del Serie 7 y Serie 5 GT. El tablero de instrumentos está orientado siete grados hacia el conductor. El panel de instrumentos está formado por una pantalla de color negro, denominada “Black Panel”, que únicamente muestra la información cuando está dado el contacto. Dependiendo de si la transmisión es automática o manual, la consola central está dividida en una o dos piezas. Como es normal en BMW, los materiales utilizados son de gran calidad.

La gama de motores es completa y variada. Está compuesta por siete motores, cuatro de gasolina y tres diésel. El primer grupo está formado por un motor de ocho cilindros en V y tres de seis en línea. El primero lo acopla el 550i, que desarrolla 408 CV, mientras que los otros son para el 535i con 306 CV, el 528i con 258 CV y el 523i con 204 CV. El grupo de los diésel, lo constituye el motor de cuatro cilindros del 520d con 184 CV y los dos de seis cilindros pertenecientes al 525d de 204 CV y al 530d de 245 CV. Todos los motores pueden ir acoplados a una caja manual de seis relaciones o a una automática de ocho, a excepción del 550i, que viene de serie con esta última modalidad.

El nuevo Serie 5 Berlina es más largo, más ancho y cuatro décimas más alto que el modelo al que sustituye. Tiene una longitud de 4,89 m (4,84 m), una anchura de 1,86 m (1,84 m) y una altura de 1,46 m (1,46). La distancia entre ejes también ha sido ampliada, pasando de 2,88 a 2,97 m.

El Serie 5 puede equipar los sistemas más novedosos del mercado: Adaptive Drive (sistema de control dinámico de la amortiguación, de supresión de inclinaciones Dynamic Drive y dirección integral activa), sistema de asistencia al aparcar, de visión panorámica Surround View, de advertencia de distancias con función de frenado, de advertencia de límites de velocidad, sistema de advertencia de cambio de carril y de aviso de abandono de carril, información sobre límites de velocidad y sistema de visión nocturna BMW Night Vision con detección de personas.

Además, BMW apuesta por un Serie 5 respetuoso con el medio ambiente y ahorrador en carburante gracias al paquete de medidas EfficientDynamics.

El BMW Serie 5 Berlina será construido en la planta de Dingolfing junto con el Serie 7. Llegará al los concesionarios europeos a principios de primavera.


Friday, November 20, 2009

1200 GS

Lack of chrome reveals the smarts,

engineering prowess with ergonomic art.

Second to none with handling to spare,

on or off road, some wheels in air.

Rain or shine this baby will go,

its rugged, ready, and not just for show.

Big tank and high tech deep in the core,

riding this bike is never a bore.

Power, design and cool for you,

little round emblem says B-M-W.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

M-Tuned 1 Series in Development

Now, this news is two or three days old, and I’m terribly sorry about this, but I’ve been too busy to catch up with the car world. I reckon not everyone has heard about this yet though, so I’m posting it anyways. I have some time today, so maybe I’ll be able to catch up with the car world.

Reports are saying that BMW’s M division is developing their own version of the next-generation 1-series. The straight-six engine will be tuned to developed around 330hp, compared to 306hp for the current 135i. It should be priced at around €35,000 in Europe, and roughly 45,000 USD in the US. As I expected, the M1 name will not be used, as that belongs to a timeless classic, and while this may end up being a good car, by no means can it be an M1 successor. I wonder what they’ll name it. Perhaps it will be just an M-Package.

Interesting thing to note though is that a while back, I recall an interview with someone from BMW who stated that an M version of the 1-Series wouldn’t be made. So perhaps these reports are false, or maybe they’ve changed their minds. I’d be very interested to see what the M division could do with a car which some think is bringing BMW back to its driver’s car roots, and I agree with them.

Source: WorldCarFans

B is for Beefy

Beefy B7

Specifically, the 2007 Alpina B7; 500 hp / 516 lb ft torque- supercharged V8.  Yaaaaaaaaay supercharger! Be Aggressive, B. E. Aggressive!!

Only six options were offered on this model, and this particular machine has them all, including super cool night vision.

Buyers beware, you will learn what it would feel like to be grabbed around the heart by a Norse god and thrown down the road.

Monday, November 16, 2009

BMW desenvolve semáforo inteligente

Terra Carros

A corrida para diminuir as emissões de poluentes e o consumo de combustível dos automóveis enfrentada pelas montadoras pode estar encontrando novos rumos. Além dos investimentos para tornar os motores mais eficientes, a BMW divulgou nesta última sexta-feira (13), que trabalha no desenvolvimento de um novo tipo de semáforo inteligente auto-adaptativo, que resulta em maior fluidez no trânsito e, conseqüentemente, diminuição no consumo de combustível.

O sistema que está sendo desenvolvido pela empresa alemã está em testes nos Estados Unidos e possui atuação dinâmica, ou seja, ele altera o tempo das fases dos sinais em função de maior ou menor congestionamento, acidentes no trânsito e qualquer ocorrência não esperada.

Rodando em condições ideais com a simulação do sistema, a BMW anunciou que o consumo da BMW 530d (diesel) que estava sendo testada foi diminuido de 9,8 km/l para 18,6 km/l. Em uma situação dia-a-dia, entretanto, a empresa alemã acredita que a variação no consumo deverá cair entre 10% e 15%. A BMW já entrou em contato com o governo americano para apresentar o dispositivo e avaliar uma possível implementação.

Fonte: Terra Carros/Márcio Murta |

Zenithmedia drives off with BMW media account

BMW Group Middle East has handed its media buying and planning business to ZenithMedia following a competitive pitch.

Zenith will take over media buying responsibilities as of 1 January and will work closely with BMW’s regional office and importers across 14 Middle East markets.

The German car manufacturer had previously worked with Interone Resonance, which re-pitched for the business, but decided to go with Zenithmedia after a review of its regional media requirements. The pitch also included Magna and Media Insight.

Mohamed Fawzi, marketing manager for BMW Group Middle East, said: “One of our corporate agency partner policies is to look into the market every three years to ensure that we are working with the best possible consultants to represent our BMW Group brands: BMW and MINI. We involved our marketing and financial partners at our head office in Germany who worked closely with us throughout the pitch to ensure that we followed our professional global processes.

“It was a three-month process that involved several stages and comprehensive criteria on which each agency was judged. All agencies put great effort into understanding our business requirements and presented us with some strong media solutions. It was a difficult decision, but a holistic one that incorporated every relevant element. It is imperative for us to select a partner who not only understands both our BMW and MINI brands, but also the different tonality and brand messages we communicate to our BMW and MINI customers, and the different communication platforms we employ.”

Friday, November 13, 2009

Letter to Dockie, November 1993 . . .

Sixteen years ago I was pulling night-duty at San Antonio’s International Airport, waiting for and working flights coming in from Mexico. Since I had long ago mastered any and all U. S. Customs rules and regulations as they related to my duties, I felt justified in passing the time and staying awake by writing letters to friends and relatives. I began this letter that evening, and added to it over a period of several days and sent it snail-mail on the above date.

November 13,1993

Hi, Dockie and Jackie,

Don’t faint, it’s just me. I realize you folks are not very accustomed to getting letters from me (especially since this is the only one I ever sent you), but the shock should wear off pretty soon. We found the picture of Philip in the flower bush. I mean we found the picture which shows Philip in the flower bush, not that we found it in the flower bush. I figured I would send some words of wisdom along with it. The picture has faded a lot over the years. It was made 18 years ago, so I guess it’s in pretty good shape considering the time that has passed.

I’m working a swing shift at the airport, from 3-11 p.m., and have a lot of free time on my hands. Well, actually I’m not working 3-11 today, I’m working 8-5, but usually I am 3-11. There’s not much to do and I really get bored, so I decided to use the time to write letters and bore the people I send them to.

I’ve written my sisters more since I started working nights than I have in my entire life. I’ve even written Aubrey and Evelyn and Winnie and Clyde and Bill several times. One thing about the letters I need to warn you of—they are long. Writing on a computer is a little like running downhill, eating peanuts or having sex—once you start, it’s hard to stop.

We really had a great time in Georgia, especially at the cookout. Seeing you and Jackie and Jean was a real treat, and seeing that gaggle of kids and grand-kids and in-laws and outlaws was great. Of course, the years weigh a bit heavier when you see that the kids now have kids, and their kids will soon be having kids, and you wonder where the years went. I can remember so clearly us playing jacks in Montgomery. I’m not sure but I think I remember winning, at least some of the games. Tell you what—you and Jackie come on out for a visit, and I’ll buy some jacks and challenge you to a game—I think I can still beat you!

Cindy spent 10 days with us recently, from October 23 until November 2. She left this past Tuesday, but has already bought tickets to return during Christmas. The house sure seemed empty for awhile after she left, and we’re already looking forward to her return in December. She is doing well in her work in Virginia—in fact she will make more than her ol’ pappy this year if she keeps on like she is going. The only problem is that she has learned how to make money, but has not yet learned how to hold on to any of it. When she masters that, she will have it made. Her sister Kelley is running her a close second on that—not in making the money, but in spending it.

I think the people in Mexico are still talking about the visit you and the others made to Laredo. In fact, in Mexican folklore they refer to you as “la senorita loca con la pela rubia y el sombrero gigante,” which means “the crazy lady with the blond hair and the giant hat.” When you folks come out, we’ll try to fit in a trip to the border so you can terrorize the natives some more.

I just got back to my office. One of the ladies I work with is a garage sale freak like me, and we went hunting garage sales. They were supposed to have a giant sale at Trinity Baptist Church today, so we went there first. There were at least 100 cars there, so we figured it would be a great sale, but we couldn’t find where they were set up. We finally asked a motorcycle cop at the corner about it, and he said that the cars were there for a funeral, and that he didn’t know anything about a garage sale. I guess we have sunk to a new low, trying to get a really good bargain at a funeral.

We finally found several small yard sales before we had to return to work. I bought a 35-millimeter slide projector for $2.00. Does it work? I don’t know yet, haven’t tried it, but even if it doesn’t work I’m only out two bucks, and I’ll probably value it at $50 and donate it to Goodwill Industries and take a tax deduction, so how can I lose?

How are the goats doing? Boy, we really have some ritzy relatives—they keep a BMW parked in the yard just so their goats will have something to climb on! Alta and I liked your house, and you have it so nicely decorated. She is still talking about her visit with you. I guess you two sat up and talked all night.

Hope your Cocker Spaniel is alright now. She is a friendly little thing —well, not so little, I guess. And I know now not to blow the horn when I come to visit, or the white elephant will come out and chew off my bumpers. You call him a bulldog, but he’s more elephant-sized than dog-sized.

I told you that the letters are long. You’re probably getting an Excedrin headache from reading this. You know you can always stop and come back to it later if you want to. Of course the news will be that much older by the time you return.

Did we have our patio covered when you were out here? I don’t think we did. Anyhow, it is covered now, and we are going to extend the patio cover across the back of the house, probably about 50 feet all together. Hope to get it finished by the end of November, before the weather turns cold and wet. We had a cold spell last week. The temperature got down to about 27 degrees, but just for a few hours. We put all the plants in the garage and haven’t put them back out yet. Actually we have a 2-cat garage. They stay there at night, and are in and out of the house all day. They are having a ball climbing the ficus trees in the garage.

Took the tom cat (Dumas Walker) to the vet yesterday for his shots. It took three of us to give him the immunizations—two to hold him down and one to use the needle. That cat does not like to go to the vet. We gave him a tranquilizer before we took him in, but all it did was make him mad. I mean he was a real tiger, but normally he is a very gentle and loving cat—spends a lot of his time lying on my chest while I’m watching television. After seeing him in action at the vet’s office yesterday, I don’t feel quite as comfortable having him lying there.

I suppose I’ve rambled on long enough, so I’ll close. Tell everybody hello for us, and give Jean our love. We know that you have a tough row to hoe, and you are doing it alone. We’ve never been in that situation, but we understand your problems and frustrations, and support you in everything you do.

Lots of love,

Janie and Mike

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mitsubishi has made major gains and ranks ahead of Nissan, Mazda, Kia, Suzuki, Subaru and Hyundai, BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Lexus, and Porsche

Consumer Reports has just released results from its annual reliability survey and the findings are clear:

Mitsubishi has made major gains and ranks ahead of Nissan, Mazda, Kia, Suzuki, Subaru and Hyundai, BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Lexus, and Porsche

Please share this great news with everyone
Also don’t forget:

Mitsubishi is offering special rates to Sam’s Club members.  0.0% APR for 60 months on 2009 Eclipse, 2009 Spyder, 2010 Endeavor and 2010 Galant with approved credit.

Könnte ganz lustig werden - der neue BMW M3 GTS

Was man diese Tage im Netz so über BMW liest, hört sich nicht unbedingt gut an – zumindest für die Belegschaft, die Zulieferer und die Aktienbesitzer…

Umso mehr brauch dann ein Unternehmen in der Größenordnung und nicht nur dann von BMW ein paar Lichtblicke. Und einer dieser Lichtblicke ist auf jeden Fall der neue BMW M3 GTS.

Laut BMW hat der neue M3 GTS 450 Cavallos unter der Haube und bringt keine 1500 kg auf die Waage, was einem Leistungsgewicht von 3,3 kg / PS entspricht.

Wer sich ein kleines bisschen auskennt, weiß dass dieser Wert nicht von schlechten Eltern ist…

Schaut euch den Clip über den neuen Renner aus Bayern an.

Ach ja – die Musik im Hintergrund könnten die BMWler ruhig weglassen – für die Musik des M3 GTS brauch man sich doch nicht zu schämen…

Monday, November 9, 2009

True Lincoln Park Tales, #4: The Mini Coopergasm, Part I

Zena’s hand trembled just a bit as she put the key in the ignition.

In her suburban youth, she had ridden in cars. She had obtained and maintained driver’s license, and had been a committed driver out of necessity for several years. But she had never liked automobiles, and once she both lived and worked in an area of Chicago where public transportation is universal if not beloved, she sold her car with great relief.

She found herself at a car dealership now out of peer pressure. Zena had recently been promoted at her job, to a sales position with a cushy base salary, a solid bedrock of loyal customers, and tantalizing shoots of potential future growth. Blessed with an outgoing personality and an eminently trustworthy smile, Zena had clear potential, which was recognized by her boss Renee.

Zena got results in her first two weeks. Good results, even. But not, as Renee said, excellent results. “And excellence,” she declared, “is where you belong.”

“You need to manage your image,” Renee announced. Zena was perfectly good at making sales, she explained, but she needed to do more. She had to make not buying from her inconceivable. And to start, she had to make herself look amazing.

Renee boiled it down thusly: “Everyone wants to be successful. When you roll up at their office in a sweet ride, they know that they can be simply by buying whatever you sell. But they will never know that when you walk up to their office from the train, branded with the aura of bums and urine and failure.”

And with a flourish of girlish excitement, Renee invited herself on a car shopping trip that Zena didn’t realize she was planning.

They had already inspected a BMW and a Lexus, both of which Zena had pronounced “really an excellent car, but just not me.” Further analysis was beyond her. Zena really didn’t like any car, but Renee’s exuberance had the force of a general’s orders, so she resorted to weak indecision as her only glimpse of a way to wiggle out of buying one.

Renee knew just what to do. “I agree completely,” she declared. “Those were fine cars, but you are a woman who needs to stand out from the crowd. This next one, there’s no way you’re not gonna love it.”

“What is the next one?” Zena asked, looking for an opportunity to declare that she really wasn’t a car person after all, and that they might as well just head home. But with a wave of her finger and an exuberantly restrained hum, Renee refused to inform her until they pulled into the next dealership.

Mini Cooper.

“It takes a special kind of person to pull off driving in these cars,” Renee declared. “I sure wish I could. But you, I think, can.”

“I don’t know,” Zena muttered weakly, but Renee dragged her into the salesroom and in front of a heavily made-up and preternaturally perky blonde saleswoman.

“I’m Chelsea, how are you!” she erupted.

“This is Zena, and she’s going to buy one of your cars!” Renee popped. While the tone of her voice had a way to go to match Chelsea’s implausible squeak, it rose noticeably in just one sentence, and probably would overtake Chelsea before the test drive.

“Zena, I just love that name. You’re like an African goddess and a warrior princess all in one.”

“She is,” affirmed Renee. “My newest superstar.”

Zena scrunched up her shoulders and tried to make a sound that would make her seem excited. “Eep” is what emerged from her mouth.

Renee pointed at a red car with a white stripe down the middle. “That is the car that you are going to buy.”

“The Model 9822, it’s exceptional.”

“Very nice?” Zena whimpered.

Renee held up an informational brochure dangling from the driver-side window. “It’s turbocharged.”

“I don’t know what that means,” Zena admitted.

“It means more power and higher performance. You—

Renee’s sales instinct took over, and she cut Chelsea off. “You want higher performance. You deserve higher performance. We’re going to take it for a test drive.”

And so Renee steered the trio outside. Luckily she took the exit to the right; to the left was the lot for resales, but as this was her sale now, nothing Chelsea could have done could have turned her around. Chelsea did manage to nudge her away from the 9522s and to an exact replica of the showroom model. She even managed to warn Renee’s hand away from the driver’s door with a perfectly timed throat-clearing.

“Right,” Renee said. “It’s just lust.”


This one, which will be completed tomorrow, was inspired quickly; a woman moaning quite loudly as she drove past the apartment building where I live. I mean, really loudly. (I live on the fourth floor.)

Just kidding—I was exiting the building when I heard her. Still, it was loud, and she was feeling something.

I combined it with some of my experiences with salespeople; I spent a lot of my life working for magazines that are 100% ad-supported, and as a result have had far too much more than my share of… let’s just call them, moments. It’s kind of fun putting three salespeople together, though.

I’m expecting this post to get a lot of hits*. After all, it will be tagged with “orgasm,” even though the true Mini Coopergasm doesn’t happen until part 2. So hey, tune in next time!

*Relative to other posts on this blog. I’m still famous only in the future, rather than the present.

brors bil

Som efternøler er man vel altid lidt bagud for sine ældre søskende. Og det kan også være fint nok, med man bliver til tider lidt misunderlig, især hvis man som mig har en storebror, der både har et stort fedt hus og så, selvfølgelig, derudover lige har fået en super lækker bil med sportssæder og frække forlygter. Forlygter har vores bil selvfølgelig også, men der er nu ikke helt det samme, nå de sidder på en gammel Skoda, som når de sidder på min brors splinternye BMW. Forlygter eller ej, jeg misunder nu mest de fede sportssæder. Og glæder mig til den dag jeg går i brors fodsport og selv ender med en  ny BMW med sportssæder!

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Bayern Life

Time always seems to fly by – I find myself writing to you, having already spent three weeks in Munich. For those of you who are unaware, I am in the final year of my Masters studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (established in 1472). The quality of the courses and professors have exceeded my expectations, in my studies of Organization, Strategy and Change Management. I will list my courses below with an example of some interesting aspects of each class (when applicable).

1. Management Communications
2. Corporate Social Responsibility (Ethical and moral theories, mostly stuff I already learned at Taylor University)
3. Entrepreneurial Growth Management (Group innovation project in cooperation with a local fitness club)
4. Marketing Asset Management / Convincing Stakeholders (Group project in cooperation with the travel agency Thomas Cook)
5. Strategic Change (Group project analyzing change factors associated with the merger of Porsche SE and Volkswagen AG)
6. Innovation and Strategy (Group presentation work analyzing case studies concerning mega-trends in the marketplace. Course is supervised by a chairman at McKinsey Consulting – providing real-world feedback)
7. Time Management

On a personal level, I am living in a house in downtown Munich somewhat close to the BMW factory and the famous BMW HQ tower. The house is shared amongst four of my friends in the programme, which makes for a lively household at all times. I’m somewhat concerning that I may be having too much fun, but I’m enjoying this as much as possible – it will be March before I know it and I’ll be on the job market. I’m fully aware that this is a very special period of time in my life.

Speaking of fun, I’m going to Prague this evening and I will be returning on Monday morning. I will make sure to post many pictures next week. In fact, you will be hearing a lot about Prague in the coming weeks. An old friend from Taylor, Jon Brinks, will be passing through the Czech Republic on business and we planned to spend the weekend together – since this is only a 5 hour trip from Munich. Unfortunately, I made an error and booked my train tickets a week too early. In order to avoid missing a guaranteed good time with Jon, I’ve decided to go two weekends in a row. I should be an expert in two weeks time.

Tune in next week for pictures from Prague

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Toyota Drops Out of Formula 1

Toyota announced today they are dropping out of Formula One for the 2010 season, according to They signed the most recent concourde agreement for a 3 year extension. This means that they’ll most likely face a legal issue with the FIA. Read more at

Okay, which direction is formula one headed? Out of business? Or Back to Basics? In the past year, Honda has dropped, BMW has dropped, and now Toyota has dropped. Some say it’s because of ‘economic conditions;’ some say it’s because of the strict rule changes. I would have to say that Formula One will always be that way–expensive and specific. That’s how they keep the races fair; that’s how they keep the sport interesting; that’s how they weed out the wanna-bees. Ecclestone wants the calendar to have 20 races (17 in 2009).

There will always be talk of the league splitting, however, lately we haven’t heard much about it… Maybe that’s where we’re headed? Maybe Honda, BMW, and Toyota are all talking to each other.

Keep in mind, Toyota and BMW celebrated BMW’s last season with each other at BMW’s party last week…Wow, what a coincidence!!! (sarcasm).

Time will tell. There is too much support of F1 from the publics for a new league to be supported.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Oct24-25 - NJMP - Lightning - Audi

Headed to NJMP – Lightning to drive with the Audi Club. Mary stayed in Vienna, her friend Danielle was running the Marie Corps Marathon and Mary stayed in town to show her support.

This was my second time to Lightning (days 3 & 4). I wasn’t overly excited because the last time I was there I didn’t think the track was that exciting… however by the end of this weekend the track had really grown on me and I was having a ton of fun chasing Audi S4’s and RS4’s around the track.

I drove in Audi’s red group which is their Advanced group. They don’t have Open Passing (ie passing in corners) in their advanced group which I kinda wish they did, I’m ready to try that out!

The first day started rainy and cold but the weekend ended with lots of sun. End of day 1 I was running consistent 1:24-1:25’s. By the end of Day2, I concluded that this is definitely a 4th gear track and managed a 1:21.2 although I was shooting for a 1:20.

On my way home picked up Mary @ Danielle’s (she had driven Danielle’s car home after the marathon). I think Danielle was grateful for the ride and I was happy to have the company for the remainder of my ride home.

Saw a pimp Audi AllRoad, rockin Porsche brakes and racing suspension, I think it was running in the instructor group, but never actually saw it on the track.

Revised Track Walkthough
Entering Turn1 from the back straight, hard on the brakes at the faded white line between start/finish and the #3 braking marker, last part of the braking zone is uphill which means you can save yourself during those late braking moments by holding the brakes just a bit longer and digging into the incline before turning in late for Turn1. No need to hug the inside apex, ½ a car width away is fine, up over the crest then tracking out all the way to the left (caution not to begin unwinding until after cresting the hill, it feels weird to be turning and cresting but believe me, you’ll run out of track if you unwind before you crest).

Having downshifted into 3rd from 5th during braking you can wind out 3rd and shift into 4th before a quick but firm brake before entering turn 2, a sweeping right hander. This is another corner best not to tight apex, a car width from the curbing feels about right, heading about ¾’s down the track before turning in harder for turn 3. Once up to speed this will feel like a double apex v/s two turns both of which can be taken in 4th.

Import to get parallel with the right hand side of the track to set yourself up properly for a tight left hand turn 4, down to 3rd gear and once turned into 4 crossing the apex tight knowing you are in the clear to track out just as the right side of the track comes in you can put the pedal down and start winding out 3rd as you head for the turnin point (left side curbing) before turn 5. You want your turn in point to 5 to be closer to the first part of the turtles than the center or second half, this will allow you a proper apex into 5 and you are able to get on the throttle before the apex w/out fear of the offcamber portion of the track on the left. Use a medium 1second brake before turning into 5.

Previously I had tried to apex 6 on the inside, but Ralph (instructor) had me stay 2/3 left to mid track and I was able to carry much more speed, holding the wheel to bring you back to the right side of the track as you pass under the bridge. Passing under the bridge I had previously only been hitting 105mph, the traqmate says 112mph (close to 120mph on the speedo) by the end of this weekend.

On the brakes hard midway between the bridge and #3 braking marker, downshift to 3rd, late apex the sharp left hander and track out at the end of the right hand curbing, wind out 3 going uphill, shifting into 4th as you run out of gear and head back a gradual decline toward turn 7, the lightbulb…hitting about 110mph, medium braking for a second to pull speed down below 90mph (at least this weekend), entering the lightbulb about ¾ track left, looking around to the very late apex at the bottom end of the lightbulb, if you are looking there you will naturally and gradually turn in to meet the right hand apex at the curbing as you move from maintenance throttle to WOT at the lowest point on the track. Previously I wasn’t getting to WOT until the lowest point (apex), this weekend I was WOT a good 2 seconds before which significantly increase my speed onto the back straight.

Trackout all the way to the left (you’ll need to with the speed you are carrying if you are WOT as early as you should), then keep holding the same arch and you’ll crest the hill three quarters of the way to the left side of the track, pass over the blend line into the pits and down the main straight,
winding out 4th until the speedo says almost 140mph (traqmate says 131) before braking hard and returning to turn #1.

PR jest wspaniały!

W zeszłym tygodniu Internauci na pięćdziesięciu milionach portali dissowali na kierowcę BMW X5, który brutalnie zaatakował swoim SUVem dwa Bogu ducha winne sedany. Klip z YT wygląda tak:
Oczywiście pojawiły się komentarze, że to statystyczny owner BMW, że Ci ze śmigłem na masce to wszyscy tak jeżdżą, bo to przecież same karki, dresy i alfonsi.

Okazało się, że akcja miała miejsce w Kanadzie, a za kierownicą nieszczęsnego X5 siedziała 62-letnia kobieta, która odpowie teraz przed sądem za ucieczkę z miejsca zdarzenia. OK, kobita dostanie pewnie grzywnę, polecą jej zniżki z OC i koniec historii. Ale nie. Interes zwietrzył kanadyjski importer Hyndaia.

Jednym z pokrzywdzonych w całym zajściu był niejaki Todd Jamison, właściciel bezczelnie zdewastowanego Huyndaia Elantra. Agencja PR odpowiedzialna za wizerunek Hyundaia w Kanadzie zadbała o to, by biedny Pan Jamison dostał w prezencie funkiel nową Elantrę. Jak słodko…

Wzruszające, prawda??

Ja też mam BMW, więc jakby ktoś się chciał ze mną dogadać, to możemy zorganizować ustawkę na monitorowanym parkingu pod centrum handlowym. I proponuję skrashować jakąś Skodę. Ostatnio tak chętnie rozdają Yeti, a nóż da się zamienić favoritkę na nowego crossovera…

NaNoWriMo... COMMENCE!! Installation #1 of "European Desert"

“Hey man, don’t open that freezer door. There’s a 3-month old Mexican popsicle that’s been renting it out, and he’s got a baaaaad attitude, dude.”

- – -

Terry Padgett was having a hard time coping with her recent streak of bad luck. The boy she had met over the summer, so sweet and oh-so-”hip”, had failed her. After years of mediocre life on the bottom rung of the high school social ladder, Terry was determined not to repeat the same mistake in college. Not surprisingly though, she had developed a rather eccentric insecurity trigger over her four torturous years of high school. Her insecurity, when coupled with Terry’s PMS, made for a volatile amalgamation.

Terry had been leaning on her first date with Brett (the boy she met) as an inauguration into the world sororities, wild college parties, and the privilege of bearing a “popular” social status. Brett had picked her up in a stunning, gleaming BMW E46 M3 coupe, punctual and sharply dressed. Meanwhile, Terry had finally managed to wrestle her hair down, at the expense of a few cans’ worth of aerosol expelled into the atmosphere. Donning a dangerously short (for Terry, that is) skirt, she awkwardly entered Brett’s car, only to discover awkward silence within.

Things were not going so well – she was constantly compelled to nervously tug at her skirt, the M3’s exhaust was horrendously rancorous, the harsh ride quality agitated her spine, and for Terry… it was “that” time of month again. Tension welled up within her, and her bottom lip quivered slightly. Things soon became disastrous as Brett attempted to break through the reverberating tones of six pumping cylinders.

“So Terry, your last name’s Page, righ-”

At this, Terry broke out in sobs, uncomfortably gasping out “STOP” a few times. Brett, bewildered, pulled off the freeway into the fluorescent white light of a gas station. Inside the car, Terry turned away from Brett, trying to hide her face against the window as much as possible. Within the next few moments, all hell broke loose. Brett reached out for Terry’s arm in an attempt to comfort her, but only managing to incite shrieks mingled with “STOP!!”. Terry swung open the passenger-side door, and clambered hastily out of the cabin. Unused to wearing heels, she twisted her ankle and fell against the car, her belt buckle scraping down against the gleaming black bodywork. The sound of metal against metal switched off all chivalrous mannerisms within Brett’s mind, instantly pumping red hot blood through his veins. He scrambled out of his car, running over to the passenger side to examine the damage. Holding his head in his hands, Brett began cursing unintelligibly at Terry, eventually letting one last high pitched “RRRRRRRRRGH!” and tearing out of the gas station, tires squealing.

And there Terry was left, sitting down against a gas pump, her skin waxy yellow under bright, energy-efficient lighting, her dreams dashed to pieces.

- – -

“I said, DON’T open the freezer door!” the man called out anxiously. A short, slightly chubby, lightly bearded man in his early twenties hobbled over a couch over to the refrigerator door, casually blocking Terry and leaning against the fridge at the same time. “Don’t open it!” he reprimanded, wagging an index finger at Terry.

“Oh, wow, you’re uhm – fast.” Terry gibbered out, bottom lip quivering dangerously. “I’m Terry, y-your new roommate.” She awkwardly held her left hand up for a handshake, breaking out in a forced, sheepish grin. Her roommate, nose held up in the air, held up his left hand and returned her handshake, before kindly showing Terry a path away from the freezer.

Good fortune? Blasphemy. For Terry Padgett, her college life has yet to see a hint of a smile upon Lady Luck’s lips.