Wednesday, December 23, 2009

[Update] My 2009 Recap

Aside from the world of iPhone (wait, there is a world outside of the iPhone?), there are a million things have happened and are happening with me.  Let’s recap…
  • Birth of my son Roman Pierce Zamostny on December 8th 2009
  • Rome Apart began writing new material, this time as a band!
  • Shot my first music video (watch it here: – lol to ensue for sure!)
  • New video shoots planned for Rome Apart to support “Self”
  • Both Rome Apart CD’s became available on iTunes
  • Rome Apart debuted on stage for the first time at the ripe age of 3 years old!
  • I’ve grown to hate my cars
  • My daughter learned to count in English and Spanish, speak in full sentences, say “no” and more before she was 2 years old
  • Found many more grey hairs on my head
  • Found more grey hairs in my beard
  • Launched my Tumblr account :
  • Met a ton of really cool people on Twitter [follow me!]
  • Made my second trip down to SXSW in Austin, Texas.  Loved every minute of it.
  • Got a MacBook Air.  Love that too.
  • Lost 15 pounds.
  • Gained it back.
  • Went from an iPhone to an iPhone 3G to an iPhone 3GS
  • Hated AT&T every step of the way
Im sure there is so much more I am forgetting… Anyway, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me.  I am glad to have met so many cool friends here and on Twitter.  I can’t wait to see what 2010 has in store for us all.  On a side note, I will likely be incorporating another blog for Rome Apart or maybe posting more general music related content here, not sure yet.  It’s time for me to go home and enjoy the holidays, so please do so yourself!  Thanks for rockin!


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