Friday, October 30, 2009

Video: Sylvie van der Vaart isi flutura pletele in noul BMW Serie 3 Cabrio

BMW si-a inaugurat in stil mare noul tunel aerodinamic: modelul (care mai este si actrita si prezentatoare TV) Sylvie van der Vaart a fost invitata la o sedinta foto si video.

De fapt, producatorul bavarez a efectuat un mic experiment prin care a dorit sa demonstreze evolutia masinilor sale decapotabile. Astfel, Sylvie a fost asezata mai intai…

Vezi filmul cu faimosul model la volanul unui BMW Serie 3 Cabrio pe


Lovos means Lifestyle of Voluntary Simplicity. Therefore, the concept BMW Lovos project is not like the usual process of designing, crafting, vehicle acquisition and management, rather, the project is a meaningful symbol of conscious self-restraint, that can encourage the viewer to discard their common ideas about the number of exterior elements that a car should required. The body of Lovos contains 260 interchangeable identical particles that can open and close like fish scales. These elements are mobile and help gathering sun energy through solar cells by changing their positions as soon as the car starts running. The interior is warm and soft, making a distinct contrast between technical and mechanical appearance.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PSA quer aprofundar parceria com a BMW

De acordo com informações internacionais, a PSA Peugeot-Citroën quer ampliar sua parceria com a BMW. A empresa francesa, que já compartilha motores com a alemã, estaria traçando planos de utilizar outros componentes em conjunto com a marca bávara. Sabe-se que a BMW também é especulada para fazer parcerias com Toyota e Fiat.

Pelo que se conta lá fora, a PSA poderia utilziar a mesma plataforma do novo Mini para lançar o Peugeot 208. Neste caso, o esquema de suspensão dos dois modelos também seria semelhante. Neste momento, o 207 e o compacto inglês utilizam propulsores em comum, como o 1.6 de 120 cv.

Inicialmente, o grupo francês estaria interessado em compartilhar sistemas como de ventilação e componentes elétricos, para reduzir custos em novos projetos. Plataformas e chassis estariam descartados, ao menos em um primeiro momento.

Daria certo esta união?

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Anatomy Of A Gun - Chapter 5



In a dank warehouse in downtown L.A. two men in dark grey suits sit on the bonnet of a black BMW, its windows tinted. A thin man in a torn pin-striped suit sits opposite the car with his hands bound to the back of a wooden chair. His face is covered in cuts and bruises and blood, some of it dried up and some of it sliding slowly down his pallid complexion before dripping onto his suit jacket or splashing onto the concrete floor; all of the blood will dry up in time. His once innocent blue eyes are now grey and lifeless. His head limply lolls downwards making his chin connect harshly with his breastplate. He is not breathing. He is dead. In a faraway corner of the warehouse a small incinerator sits patiently, orange flames crackling and spitting ferociously from within its metal grate like bulldogs being held at bay by their collars and chains.

The man on the left side of the bonnets face is pale. Dark bags tightly hug the bottom of his blue bloodshot eyes. He sits with a lit joint hanging from his lips. He stares solemnly at the body in the chair. He watches the blood drip-drip-drip down from the corpses face, the trails like new veins. He looks at the body and doesn’t see a person; the person in that body went somewhere else entirely.

The man on the right side of the bonnets face is tanned and distracted as he examines his fingernails and the blood that is trapped underneath them. He looks up at the body and says, “Well the incinerator looks hot enough. Might as well get to it, eh?”

“Yea… if you think so…” The pale faced man is not in the warehouse; He is somewhere else; He is with the person who used to be in that bloodied body opposite him.

The tanned man grabs the joint out of the pale man’s mouth and throws it to the ground. “For fuck’s sake Marcus, why d’you have to get stoned all the time? You’re spaced out man! We torture a guy for two days until he goes and dies on us, and the first thing you do is go and roll up and get high? Fuckin’ idiot man! The fire’s still burnin’ and we still got a body to put in it. Now snap the fuck out of it!”

“It’s… a coping mech-chanism,” whispers Marcus, his face barely registering the words that have just been spoken to him, “And don’t touch my joints when I’m smoking…Don’t fucking touch ‘em. It’s a coping mechanism man… It’s how I fucking cope…” Marcus whimpers and his whole body quivers, an intangible cold overcoming him.

“I’m… I’m sorry man.” The tanned man puts his arms around Marcus, embracing his shivering frame tightly. “I’m sorry man. I shouldn’t shout at you like that, I know. You cope man. You cope well.”

“I just… I keep seeing everyone else… everything else we’ve… they’re in my head Dean. All the time. Ghosts… they’re whispering to me Dean…”

“Shhh shhh shhh, I know man, I know. I hear them too.” Dean lightly kisses Marcus on the forehead, quelling his fears with a single action more comforting than words. “But we still got to do this man. He’s still got to go in the fire one piece at a time.”

Marcus pulls away from Dean’s hold, “Can’t we just put the whole body in this time? I don’t like seeing the cutting anymore…”

“You know we can’t man: smell’s too strong. Someone’ll come and rat us out. Anyway, incinerator’s too small here. Wouldn’t fit all of him in that thing. This is just how it’s got to be.”

Dean stands up from the bonnet and, adjusting his suit jacket on the journey, walks to the trunk of the car. Marcus pulls another joint out of his pocket and lights it up. He inhales and then lets the smoke drift out of his mouth with a long audible sigh. For a moment the smoke in front of his face obscures his full view of the body bound to the chair – Instead, a haze. Then the smoke disappears – fading into the light – and the body is still there, still not a hazy hallucination.

Dean comes back to the front of the car, walking with a steady stride towards the body, a hacksaw in his left hand, a bottle of peroxide and a cloth in his right. He reaches the body and places the peroxide and the cloth on the ground, the hacksaw still grasped firmly in his left.. He stares aimlessly for a moment, then turns to Marcus saying, “Y’know this suits pretty nice. We clean it up a bit and it’ll look brand fuckin’ new. You want it?”

“I’m not wearing a dead man’s suit. There are lines that I draw.”

“Fair enough… what about ebay then? We get a bit of extra cash and somebody else gets a new suit. Win win.”

“No! No fucking ebay! Just get rid of the body!”

“Ok, ok. I was kidding anyway. Just tryin’ to cheer y’up.”


“Alright. I’ll get started then, eh?”

Dean pulls up the dead body’s head by its greasy hair. The hacksaw is raised in the air. It comes down swiftly. Blood spurts out of the body’s neck, sprinkler systems making water arch and fall. “Fuckin’ veins man!”, exclaims Dean as blood splashes against his suit jacket, a final attack.

“That means his heart’s still beating. I guess he’s more alive than we thought.”

“Well he ain’t fuckin’ alive now!”

The blood flow dies down, then ceases. Marcus takes another drag from his joint. As more smoke slips from him he says, “One day… one day we’ll go to Hell for all that we’ve done.”

Dean hacks at the neck more, through bone, veins, vocal chords, muscle tissue, cartilage, his hands becoming more tainted with every movement.

Marcus leans back on the tinted car window, facing the tin roof of the warehouse, “Maybe we’re in Hell already. Af-ter we got back from guan… that place. We touch down on the landing pad and boom, we’re in Hell. Kicked out then Hell…”

Through the thyroid cartilage…

“That’s how we have to do what we have to do… The ghosts. Talking all the time. Their screams. It’s our punishment…”

Cricoid cartilage…

“Kicked out then Hell…Paradise lost for all our sins…”

Jugular veins…

“Torturers then tortured…with Earth…”

A severed head falls heavily to the floor like a stone. Dean sighs and says, “Done. One body part down. The fuck are you mutterin’ t’yourself?”

“…Nothing… just thinking.”

“Yea? Well you don’t gotta keep doing that just now. Come over here and throw that head in the incinerator. The fire’s still burnin’ brother and it’s gonna keep burnin’ ’til we’re done.”

“Yea… I know…”

Marcus walks up to the body and picks up the severed head by the hair. “We got everything we needed from him right?”

Dean nods, “Yep. Definitely. Jackson’ll get his moneys worth for info.”

Marcus looks the dead head in the eyes, “What did he say about some Simmon’s gang when we met him?”

“Fucked if I know. We probably should’ve asked him.”

“Yea… yea we probably should’ve.”

Marcus walk to the incinerator and carefully opens the grate. He looks deep into the flames but all he can see is burning. He throws the head into the fire and shuts the grate.

The smoke turns black.

How Augmented Reality can begin to shape the way people are trained

If this video is to be believed, then BMW are beginning to use Augmented Reality in training their mechanics to repair and maintain their cars. I think this undermines the skill of a good time served technician and effectively ‘deskills’ the entire role to be one putting of your magic glasses and doing what you’re told. You can see it being used in wage negotiations to have an excuse to take on younger, less experienced operatives. It can turn a reasonable fitter into a master mechanic at a stroke. It even tells them what size spanner to take out of the toolbox and where that tricky screw you can never find is located.

Until something goes wrong that is, at which point the experienced person would be called straight back in to sort out the computer.

There is no doubt that it is very clever though and you can imagine it starting to be introduced into more mainstream training over the next few years. If you need to show someone how to do something, why not show them exactly, whilst they are actually on the job itself.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mau BMW 730Li Baru? Siapkan Rp 1,7 M

Jakarta, 21 Oktober 2009 - PT BMW Indonesia menambah jajaran produknya dengan memperkenalkan BMW 730Li Comfort di Grand Hyatt, Rabu (21/10). Model ini menjadi satu-satunya Seri 7 yang banderolnya berada di bawah Rp 2 miliar.

“Kami memberi pelanggan kami lebih banyak lagi pilihan dan fleksibilitas. BMW 730Li Comfort sudah bisa didapatkan di seluruh dealer resmi BMW dengan harga Rp 1,759 miliar off the road di Jakarta,” kata Ramesh Divyanathan, Presiden Direktur BMW Indonesia.

Masuknya model 730Li ini termasuk mengejutkan karena sebelumnya sama sekali tidak pernah ada kabar atau berita mengenai varian bermesin 2.996 cc ini. Kalaupun ada adalah varian bermesin diesel yaitu 730d dan 730Ld. Masuknya BMW 730Li terbaru ini kian melengkapi BMW 750Li dan 740Li yang telah diluncurkan ke pasar sejak Februari 2009 lalu.

BMW 730Li terbaru dilengkapi dengan mesin enam silinder yang sanggup menghasilkan tenaga 258 hp pada rpm 6.600 dengan torsi maksimum 310 Newton-meter pada rpm 2.600. Limosin ini sanggup mencapai kecepatan 100 kilometer per jam hanya dalam waktu 7,8 detik, dan mencapai kecepatan tertinggi 245 kilometer per jam.

Tapi jangan salah, meski kehebatannya seperti itu, mobil ini hanya mengkonsumsi bahan bakar 9,8 liter untuk tiap 100 kilometer, sementara emisi gas CO2-nya hanya 229 gram untuk tiap kilometer.

Beberapa fitur baru disematkan pada BMW 730Li terbaru ini. Antara lain new iDrive contoller, USB Audio Interface, televisi dan sistem HiFi Professional dengan 16 loudspeakers kualitas terbaik, amplifier 600 watt, DIRAC signal processing, serta surround mode.

Ramesh mengatakan pihaknya tidak menargetkan angka penjualan karena sudah memasuki bulan Oktober. “Tahun depan baru kita genjot,” katanya.

Berdasarkan data Gaikindo, hingga September BMW sudah menjual 37 unit Seri 7 yang terdiri dari 730Li (3 unit), 740Li (24) dan 750Li (10). Total penjualan BMW sendiri hingga bulan kesembilan kemarin adalah 569 unit.

Daftar harga BMW Seri 7 (off-the-road):
- BMW 750Li >> Rp 2,658 miliar
- BMW 740Li >> Rp 2,127 miliar
- BMW 730Li Comfort >> Rp 1,759 miliar

The fight is on for third and sixth places

Renault will be fighting it out for sixth place in the constructors championship in Abu Dhabi along with Williams and BMW Sauber

So with Brawn having now secured the 2009 Constructors Championship, is there anything left for Abu Dhabi? Certainly there is. If we look at the current positions in the championship we can see that there are still a number of places left to play for. Nobody can now beat Brawn and Red Bull for first and second places, but everything else is pretty much still to be decided.

McLaren and Ferrari are almost dead level for third place on 71 and 70 points apiece. Given that Ferrari have announced that they are focusing all their development efforts on 2010, does this mean McLaren have everything to gain if they find a few tenths of a second between now and the 1st November? If McLaren have one team they will focus on beating it has to be Ferrari and so the interesting question is whether or not the boys from Maranello really have now moved on from 2009. Also Toyota can still mathematically achieve third place, but this seems unlikely. The other battle is for sixth place, it doesn’t sound much, but given the way in which the Formula One Group revenues are distributed – this could make a significant difference (ie millions of dollars) in team revenues for 2010. Currently this battle is between Williams, BMW Sauber and Renault and you can be assured that each one of these teams will be wholly focused on grabbing sixth place. So the headline titles may have been won, but the race is still very much on until the end of the season.

Constructors Championship Positions after Brazilian Grand Prix





Red Bull/Renault















BMW Sauber/BMW






Force India/Mercedes



Toro Rosso/Ferrari


Monday, October 19, 2009

The true cost of ownership

A column in the latest New Jersey Chapter Bulletin of the NJ BMW CCA contemplates the true cost of ownership of an older BMW, using the author’s E39 540i as a case study. A sobering reminder that the true cost goes well beyond the initial purchase price of a used German vehicle (although we are ultimately undeterred from pursuing the used BM of our dreams). Read on..

When I was at Summit Point this summer, someone in the paddock asked me if I was still driving Otto, an e39 540i, as my daily driver. My affirmative response led to another question: why are the used e39 540s available so inexpensively? That in turn stimulated my curiosity and I recently got around to doing a search through Edmunds on-line to check out some prices for Otto’s duplicate. Much to my surprise, a great many examples of this model with mileage in the low 100k zone can be found for asking prices between $7k – $9k. Granted, most if not all were automatics not the 6 speed manual preferred by me, but it’s my understanding that automatics generally have better, not worse, resale appeal than their three-pedal cousins. Otto was minted in 2001 and has about 119k miles on his clock, so I’d estimate that he’d fetch $8k or less if sold.

This strikes me as extraordinarily inexpensive for one of the most enjoyable and versatile cars I’ve ever owned. Otto’s seen track duty, has pulled a few long hauls, and makes a great daily ride. His 38501b mass doesn’t seem all that burdensome by today’s standards, with the new M3’s not much skinnier than that. His V8 engine is entertaining enough, providing plenty of thrust for ordinary road use. In my humble opinion, the gas mileage isn’t all that terrible, with reasonably conservative driving easily yielding just a bit more than 20 miles/gallon. The other day as I was rolling through Hopewell on my daily commute, I happened to catch a glimpse of Otto’s reflection in a plate glass window, and I must say, he’s a fine looking gentlemen who’s aging quite gracefully.

So why so cheap? The best I can figure, it comes down to some cold hard realities of the cost of ownership for these aging, trackable limos.

People who know the marque will also know that as these V8’s ripen, they hit a wall of high maintenance costs in the low to mid 100k mileage zone. As I previously wrote, last winter I refurbished Otto’s entire cooling system when the water pump seized. Just getting the parts set me back several hundred dollars, and I think a skilled mechanic (not me) would have probably spent at least 20 hours of labor on this project. The car also hits a service 2 interval at 120k miles. This spring I did a brake job. While replacing rotors and pads yourself is not cost prohibitive, having this work done at the dealer is not cheap. Another unscheduled repair hit me in the spring when Otto’s alternator quit on me. I wouldn’t have thought that replacing the alternator would be all that big of a deal in terms of parts and labor expense, but of course I was wrong. It turns out that the alternator on the M62TU engine is water cooled. A Bosch rebuild will cost you about $500, but prices can run up to $900. Because the alternator is water cooled, replacement involves first draining the radiator and engine block, then removing the cooling fan and belts and finally finding a way to pry the old unit out of its water jacket. It took me about 6 hours to do the job on my lift. It would probably take less than half that time for an experienced mechanic, but still, it wouldn’t be an inexpensive job at the dealership. The bottom line is that all totaled, if I were paying a dealership to maintain this vehicle I figure my minimum outlay for this year would have been at least $6k, probably closer to $8k. That doesn’t account for Otto’s current needs: new rear tires and some replacement front bumper trim. And I just know that there’s a whole list of maintenance and repair work waiting in the wings. For example, Otto is still running the original clutch, exhaust, and air conditioning components. I’m just going to take a SWAG at the cost for these repairs, and put them at another $5-$10k at dealership pricing.

All of this adds up to a cost-of-ownership problem that explains most of the current pricing for used e39 540s. Figure the three year cost of ownership, exclusive of gas, taxes and insurance, as: purchase ($7-$9k) plus maintenance and repairs ($12-$18k) to reach a 3 year total of $19-$25k. I didn’t even account for the additional cost variable posed by an automatic transmission, the failure of which could easily tip another $5k into the maintenance and repair budget, mushrooming the 3 year projected costs to a staggering $30k.

And for your $20-$30k, you get the privilege of driving a car that‘s close to a decade old, at least one body style out of date, and will undoubtedly inconvenience you with the occasional need to make unscheduled visits to the shop for repair, such visits being facilitated by a tow truck.

Now, let’s compare that to the cost of leasing a new BMW for the next 3 years. BMW recently ran a lease special on the 328i model. The deal was a 36 month lease for $399/month, with a $2,500 down payment and an annual limit of 12k miles. These days I don’t put more than 12k miles a year on Otto, so I view this as a fair comparison, though for those of you with long commutes 12k is a joke. Leasing the vehicle for 3 years gives the advantage of not having any maintenance or normal repair work that gets lobbed at the owner. Therefore, one can predict with a high level of certainty that the comparable cost of ownership would be just under $17k.

So here’s what it comes down to. You could spend $20-$30k to purchase and maintain a used e39 540 for the next 3 years, or you could spend $17k to lease and maintain a brand new 328. In the latter case you get a car with contemporary styling, safety features, and electronics for entertainment. This makes the leased car an easy decision, even if you account for the fact that at the end of 3 years you have to turn it in. We can’t expect that three years from now the 540 would be worth much more than its “cash for clunkers” price floor of $4500. At best, that makes it a break even versus a lease on the new car.

All of this makes me wonder if maybe the asking price on the used 540s is even a bit higher than it should be, which is just the opposite of what I was thinking when I started writing this column. This prompts the question: should I sell Otto and get a newer BMW?

That proposition has a different set of economics associated with it. First, since Otto was paid for long ago, I face no acquisition cost for the next three years by keeping him. Second, I’ve already taken on about half the maintenance and repair expenses I anticipate over the three year ownership period beginning in 2009. Third, my repair and maintenance costs are lower than dealer charges because: a) I have a sympathetic wife who let me build my own auto shop in the back yard and; b) I have a sympathetic mechanic who doesn’t mind coaching me through the repair process and bailing me out when I get in over my head. All things considered, I’d be surprised if Otto’s cost of ownership over the upcoming three years exceeds about $6k for maintenance and repair. That’s far less than I’d pay for a newer car.

In fact, when viewed through that prism, the economics of keeping Otto even gives me a little money to play with. I’d still come out way ahead of the game with a few upgrades like a new Ipod -friendly sound system, and some nick/scratch/dent repair. Dare I even think: supercharger?

Adding to the economic incentive to keep Otto in service are the emotional components to the decision. I still like the e39 styling better than the con­temporary 5 series. I don’t want to scale down to a 3 series, unless it is a new M3, the purchase price of which is comparable to Otto’s new-car price. And by keeping Otto as opposed to buying a 328 or even 335,1 get to drive a V8. For those of us born before the first moon landing, “more cylinders is always more better”, as carbon footprints are and probably always will be invisible to us.

Bottom line is, while Otto may not be a good deal for anybody else at what I would think of as an attractive selling price, our current relationship suits us both just fine and neither of us is looking to trade up or out anytime soon.

Thom Rossi

- Gyro

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BMW M3 frozen!

When I looked back at the title of this post, I realized that it may not be the most fitting… I myself thought for a split second that people might misinterpret it and think BMW was seizing production of the M3. Well my friends, take a sigh of relief because I’m actually talking about the paint scheme.

Like its older sibling, the M6 Competition, BMW has decided to dip the M3 into its wonderful new color scheme: Frozen Grey Metallic. And boy does it look good! This could very well be BMW’s equivalent of “bling”.

It will be available as part of the BMW Individual color catalog so be expecting to fork out some excess cash if you decide to add it to your checklist.

BMW Z4 Launched on October 12

BMW has launched the much awaited roadster Z4 in India. The Z4 will be imported to India as a CBU and the car will pose a tough competition against Mercedes-Benz SLK, Audi TT, and Porsche Boxster

The 6-inline engine on the Z4 has a capacity of 2993cc. The twin turbos of the roadster produces 306 bhp. The Z4 can also go on to an electronically limited top speed of 250 km/h.

The German car maker BMW is working towards becoming the number one luxury car maker of the country. BMW is having a tough competition with Mercedes-Benz these days and wanted to be replaced in its position.

The BMW Z4 is dominant and elegant. It has a seating position close to the rear axle, rear-wheel drive and a fully-automatic retractable hardtop..

The new BMW Z4 is available in the petrol variant, BMW Z4 sDrive35i , is available in India priced at Rs 59,00,000 (Ex-showroom, New Delhi).

Monday, October 12, 2009

Târgu-Jiu: A intrat cu masina în gard din cauza ploii

O tânără de 19 ani din Târgu Jiu a pierdut în această seară controlul autovehicolului BMW pe care îl conducea în Zona Podului de la Turcineşti, intrând cu maşina în curtea unor localnici cărora le-a dărâmat poarta şi gardul.

Din cauza neatenţiei la volan şi a lipsei de experienţă, tânăra Ileana Opriţa a pierdut controlul autovehiculului chiar la intrarea în Târgu Jiu, după o curbă nu foarte periculoasă. Ploaia şi carosabilul umed au făcut ca maşina să se răsucească de câteva ori pe şosea şi să se oprească pe gardul unor localnici dărâmându-l la fel ca şi poarta de acces.
Speriaţi, vecinii au chemat la faţa locului un echipaj de pompieri crezând că fata este imobilizată în autoturismul care a părăsit carosabilul, oprindu-se pe gardul pe care l-a distrus. Echipa de descarcere sosită la faţa locului nu a mai intervenit pentru că tânăra rănită a fost scoasă fără dificultate din autoturism de oamenii adunaţi la faţa locului.
Nu e prima dată când li se dărâmă gardul

Familia Cernitoiu care locuieşte în apopierea curbei respective este speriată de desele accidente care se produc în zonă şi produc pagube materiale. Ion Cernitoiu a povestit că stătea liniştit la televizor când a auzit bubuitura produsă de accident şi a fost chemat apoi de vecini să iese afară pentru că i-au dărâmat din nou gardul. În acest an bătrânii au mai avut parte de un astfel de eveniment rutier care a dus la distrugerea totală a gardului.

Tânăra şoferiţă şi-a revenit rapid din starea de şoc dar a fost transportată imediat după accident cu ambulanţa la Unitatea de Primiri Urgenţe a Spăitalului Judeţean din Târgu Jiu unde medicii au supus-o unor investigaţii pentru a stabili dacă prezintă leziuni interne. Agenţii de la Poliţia Rutieră fac verificări pentru a stabili exact condiţiile care au determinat producerea accidentului.


Friday, October 9, 2009

The Golden Child

Back in high school and into college I had a BMW E34 525. Not a bad car by any means, but when I first got it, I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about the color – gold. Now technically the color was called “Cashmere Beige” but to the general public, it really didn’t make a difference…it was gold, haha. Anyway, after awhile the color grew on me. I loved the fact that I was modding a color that hardly anyone else out there was willing to touch or respect…and if they were, a shiny black paint job was definitely on the “upcoming mods” list.

I had met my friend Chris back then at some local car meets and it was great to see another “gold” 4-door BMW modding away without contemplating a color change. Although I eventually moved on to an E34 M5, my first car always held a special place in my heart. Chris, on the other hand, still has his 23-year old E30 golden baby. Why? Well lets just suffice it to say that he went a little further with his build than I ever could. You’ll be hard pressed to find another 4-door E30 done up quite as well as this:

The Mod List:
- U.S. S50b32 and Tranny w/ OBDI Swap
- Euro 3.5″ HFM
- 24# Injectors
- Custom Conforti Software
- 3.5″ K&N Cone Filter
- Custom Heat Shield
- UUC Evolution II Shortshift Kit
- E36 M3 Catalytic Converter
- M Coupe Dual Muffler Rear Exhaust
- 3.25 Limited Slip Differential
- MCoupe Finned Differential Cover
- 25mm Brake Master Cylinder
- Stainless Steel Braided Brake Lines
- 330mmX28mm 2 Piece Slotted/Vented Front Brake Rotors
- 310mmX20mm Cross-Drilled/Vented Rear Brake Rotors
-Brembo 4 piston front and Twin piston rear calipers
- Carbon Fiber Engine & Fuel Rail Covers
- Polished Aluminum Oil Filler Cap
- Hella Smoked European DE Ellipsoids
- 6000K Xenon Low Beam Conversion
-6000K Xenon Fog Light Conversion
- MHW Smoked Front Turn Signals
- Smoked Front Side Markers
- Redded Out Tail Lights (kept Reverse White)
- Blacked Out Front Kidney Grill
- Eyebrows (painted to match)
- Body Color Matched Door Handles and Bumper Moldings
- 3 Piece Foam Hood Insulation Pad
- Debadged
- Carbon Fiber Roundel Blackout Kit
- BMW Motorsport Carbon Fiber Front Grill Badge
- Rear License Plate Photo-Radar Protector
- Tint (Desert Shadow: 50% sides/40% rear)
- Shadowline Front and Rear Windshield Trim
- Shadowline Side Window Trim
- E30 M3 Front Bumper/Spoiler Gasket Seal
- E30 M3 Evo 3 Hood Seals
- E30 Updated Front Bumper/Spoiler w/ foglights and brake ducts
- Removed Factory Stoneguard Finish on Front Spoiler. Refinished to match body.
- Rieger Infinity I Lip
- Rieger Infinity I Splitter
- OEM M Technic II Door/Fender Panels (modified rear quarter pieces)
- Rieger Infinity I Sideskirts (modified to flow with M-Tech Door/Fender panels)
- Autovogue Av3 Rear Bumper/Apron (modified to fit right)
- E46 Rear Bumper/Fender Gasket Seal
- OEM M-Technic II Rear Spoiler
- E30 M3 Front Seats in black leather
- E30 M3 Rear seats in black leather
- Black Vinyl Doorpanels on all 4 doors
- Black Rear Shelf
- Black Carpet
- Black Roof Liner
- E30 Updated Airbag Style Driverside Underdash Knee Bolster
- Full OBC conversion
- OBC Turn Signal Stalk
- Chrome/Leather M-Tech Shiftknob
- Leather Shift boot
- Leather Ebrake Handle with Chrome Button
- Leather Ebrake Boot
- Chrome Door Pins
- Chrome Light Pull Switch
- Lighted Window switches (6 + 1 sunroof)
- Manual to Power Sunroof Conversion
- Overhead panel covered in black leather
- Rear View Mirror With Maplights
- BMW M-Technic II Steering Wheel
- 7k tach from Euro 323i
- White Gauge Faces
- Red Needles
- M3 gauge cluster Surround
- Chrome Gauge Rings
- Brushed Aluminum Pedals with Engraved ///M logo
- Brushed Aluminum Dead Pedal with Engraved ///M logo
- M Roadster Black Floormats with Updated Retention Clips
- E30 Black rear floormats
- Bavarian Autosport Front StressBar
- IE Stage III Race Springs
- Bilstein Sport Shocks and Struts
- IE Swaybars 25mm Hollow Front 22mm Hollow Rear with Fully Adjustable Links
- Custom Rear Trailing Arm Sway Bar Link Tab Reinforcement
- M3 Aluminum Control Arms
- M3 Urethane Offset Control Arm Bushings
- Turner Motorsport Aluminum Rear Shock Mounts with IE Reinforcement Plates
- 17X8.5 CR 2000 (21lbs. a piece) + Spare
- 15mm Hub-Centric H&R Spacers Front and Rear
- TC Kline Racing Stud kit
- Yokohama AVS ES100 in 235/40R17
- Alpine CDA 7893 Head Unit
- Alpine M1001 Mono Power Amp (2 ohm)
- Alpine F340 4 Channel Amp (2 ohm)
- 2 12″ Alpine Type-R Subs (2 ohm)
- Custom box/trunk setup
- Custom Install 6X9 Sony X-plods in rear Shelf
- Custom Install Swivel Mount Infinity Reference Tweeters in Premium E30 Tweeter Pods
- Custom Install 5 1/4 Infinity Reference in front kickpanels
- Keyless Entry System
- Hella High Output Horns
- Valentine One Radar Detector (Hardwired)
- Python 871XP 2 way Alarm System

Kubica w nowym teamie

8,5 miliona euro za sezon – tyle ma zarabiać Robert Kubica w zespole Renault. Jak ujawnił jeden z francuskich serwisów internetowych zajmujących się Formułą 1, szczegóły kontraktu pomiędzy Kubicą a francuską stajnią zostały uzgodnione podczas ostatniego weekendu.

W czasie weekendu wyścigowego na torze Suzuka w Japonii polski kierowca i jego menedżer Daniele Morelli mieli osiągnąć porozumienie z Renault. Francuzi zaproponowali Kubicy 8,5 miliona za pierwszy sezon w ich zespole i tyle samo za drugi.

// Nie wiadomo jednak, czy w sezonie 2011 nasz zawodnik będzie kierowcą Renault – nie ma on, bowiem kontraktu dwuletniego, a skonstruowany na zasadzie 1+1, czyli roczny z opcją przedłużenia o kolejne 12 miesięcy.

W ostatni weekend Kubica otrzymał także propozycję od zespołu Toyota, który podobnie jak Renault oferował 8,5 miliona euro za rok. Ofertę szefa japońskiej stajni Johna Howetta Polak jednak odrzucił.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Audi notches a couple of big wins under its belt.

First the S4. Now the TTS. These days, Audi is dispatching of its RWD’d sort-of-crosstown rival (and let’s face it: by most measures, its heretofore superior) left and right. The global economy might not be one of them, but Ingolstadt has at least a couple of important reasons to feel good lately, with perhaps more on the way.

Nevermind that I happen to think there’s little parity in the Road & Track comparo.

- Gyro

Latest BMW Z4 2.3i SDrive Impresses

I was lucky enough the other day to go for a spin in my friends brand new BMW Z4 (2.3i SDrive model) – and i have to say it was a very impressive experience. The car just feels alot ‘tighter’ than the previous model, with the handling in particular a stand out feature.

Z4 2.3 SDrive statistics:

  • Engine – 2497cc 6-cylinder, 24v petrol engine – 204bhp
  • Transmission – 6-speed manual, rear-wheel drive
  • Performance - 0-62mph in 6.6 sec, Top Speed = 151mph

Couple this superb engine with the (to be expected) high-quality interior fittings and you have a most impressive roadster package indeed.

BMW Z4 - Great Drive

My only regret was that i will probably never have sufficient funding to afford one of my own! Luckily there are some excellent BMW car leasing options available these days – hmmmm, i wonder……………..

Monday, October 5, 2009

New York City Media Extravaganza

Good Morning,

I am in Moab, UT getting ready for the 24 Hours of Moab, doing some minor photo shoots for some new content, and hanging out with the Ketchum contingent of friends and racers. I have been putting together a little media trip to NYC coming up on October 19th-22nd to do some rides and hopefully meet some new media contacts as well. If you are in the area, stop by and say hello.



Friday, October 2, 2009

1 Shot

This is a picture that I spontaneously took in the garage of my summer apartment and is the best picture that I took of my car yet. It is very hard to take pictures of the E30 M3. Since the car is so angular and boxy, it is difficult to get the exact composition to capture the car correctly.

P.S. Stupid me left an interior light on so the battery is dead. Now I have to call AAA when I get out of school later today to jump start the car.